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Showing posts from September, 2021

gearINmovement // gearsINmovoment // gearsINmotion

    I really wanted to explore the moving parts and changes of media in the last few decades. Because of that, I decided to create a soundtrack for this movie on Ableton , I used a variety of sounds from various libraries in my hard drive to create what is essentially a 1-minute noise track infused with media liquid.   My Ableton Channel Rack for this track      For that though, I had to really delve into the idea of movement, honing on forward movement as one of my primary themes. I wanted to support some of the ideas that McLuhan puts forth in the book. Here, his seemingly Marxist-attached ideas flourish by asserting that our use of media has been far too focused on the weathering idea of labor exploitation.       By introducing the soundtrack as a continuous movement of the background, I was able to create a contrast between humankind and our peculiar attachment to the past. Nostalgia is a blinding beauty. Our ability to remember...

A brief introduction - Edwin Martinez (e4tmore)

       On page 24, Marshall McLuhan says “We have become irrevocably involved with, and responsible for, each other.” I find this to be a very important quote because it really encompasses a lot of my core feelings for art. For as long as I can remember, I have had the incessant need to constantly keep creating. Whether it’s short videos on my parents phone when I was an 8 year old or an entire mixtape that I made this past summer as a way to cope with the internal and external forces that were working upon me, I’ve always had an obligation to publish my ideas as a sort of personal archive.  My Bandcamp            Recently, I have also developed the belief that art is inherently political. It helps societies watch their own; It helps people express themselves and create languages, through which they can communicate their grievances and pains. Because of this, I feel I have an immense social responsibility to art. I must continu...